CANON is the world's first 'cineballet' - a feature length story ballet written, choreographed, and directed by Jehbreal Jackson, specifically for film.

CANON’s narrative structure is based on Conlon Nancarrow's musical composition "Canon A" that serves as the music for the penultimate grande pas de deux of the lovers.

It follows the tragic love story of 5/8 and 7/8. 5/8, a character named after the time signature of the bass line in "Canon A", is a troubled African American male who meets the love of his life, 7/8, an African American woman named after the time signature of the treble line, at the Grace Hill Rehabilitation Center for the Hurt and Lonely.

They fall in love in rehab while learning various exercises and games to heal and cope with life. However, after completing the program and moving in together, the games begin to consume the lovers, literally and metaphorically, to reveal their unspeakable secret.

The two musical lines (like the characters themselves) are made of the same materials that operate at different speeds and registers. They are similar enough to complement each other for a time, but can they finish the journey together in unison?